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FREE Erotic Story: Meeting with the Gregs - Erotic Nurse and Doctor Story by Filthybooks!

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

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Read here the second part of "Filthy Nurse" - an Erotic Doctor / Nurse Story of a strong, self-confident alpha woman taking her chances.

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Sexy Woman wearing handcuffs - Erotic BDSM Story

Chapter Two

After the meeting at Doctor Carl’s office, Susan felt some sort of power surge. She had tried to seduce many men in the past and had more success stories than failures, yet Carl’s succumbing to her sexual magic had come as a surprise to her.

She was a wild girl, and when she looked at Carl, she would see the opposite of herself.

Maybe that was what attracted her to him in the first place: that quiet demeanor, that silent look as he would walk past her every morning. He would always look like he had a lot on his mind. Most of all, he looked like he was out of reach.

In her room, after work hours, Susan fantasized about the doctor’s touch. He had appeared like a beast, completely different from the controlled personality that he always put up. She had already concluded that she was going to see him again. Maybe it would not be as soon as she wanted, but it was going to happen. She had more conviction about it than the one she had when she marched into his office that morning.

Her phone started ringing, and she knew she would not be staying at home that night. Weekends were for wild night out and her girl was calling her on phone.

“Anna,” she said into the phone when she picked the call.

“Hey, tell me you are dressed up and ready for tonight.”


“Yes, tonight. You wanted the Gregs, remember?”


She remembered now. It was something that the both of them did. Every day they went to the club, they would scout the finest specimen of macho men and have them make love to them.

To Susan, it was and games. She did not know what it meant to Anna.

It also made her happy that she was giving the middle finger to the couple that brought her into the world. They were insufferable and could not feel ashamed enough for what they felt she had become.


First, it was her brother Jeremy. He came out to them and they pushed him back into the closets with threats of disowning him. They were conservatives, important people in their church and could not bring themselves to accept that their heir would simply not carry on with things the way things had been. He was defiant for a while, and that was where Susan got her spirits from. They were partners in rebellion. Susan was tired of being caged by her parents, having them make her career choices for her. She had chosen to be a nurse instead of a doctor just to spite them, but that was not enough. Being a nurse was still good for their ego. Then Jeremy, her brother caved in. He decided he was no longer gay. He was straight, and advised her to stop being stubborn. Fall in line, he said. She did not.


“Susan, I will be there to pick you up in ten,” Anna said and hung up the phone.

Susan still stood with the receiver to her ear, listening to the silence that came after the call.

She felt betrayed. Jeremy sold her out.

He was still there, heir to millions of dollars while she was in a hospital just trying to get by after realizing that she could not keep depending on Anna all the time, turned out going to school was not that bad after all.

She stood up from her bed and walked to the window. She lived in a quaint, little room with her bed taking up most of the space in the room. There was room for a table wedged against the wall, looking like it would collapse anytime soon. Most of her face-kit were on that table. What she was most grateful for was the restroom that was joined to her room. In spite of the squalor of the place she had found and now lived, coming home to a toilet that belonged to her only was still bliss. She was not yet feeling the bite of being disowned by very rich parents.

From the window, she could see cars making their way through the street. Headlights were beginning to bathe the streets in white, dazzling colors. Anna would be here soon.

Susan hurried back into the room. freshening up took less than ten minutes, before she sat in front of her mirror, before her tired table, taking her makeup kits gingerly while avoiding leaning on the table. She was used to way better things than this, and did not think she deserved to be treated in the way her family was treating her. All she did was to show solidarity with Jeremy, and the fool was quick to push her under the bus.

Somebody knocked at the door, and Susan hurried to open.

“Look at you, all cleaned up,” Anna said the moment she entered the room.

“Still there’s no missing that wildness, baby.”

They hugged and Susan went back before the mirror to finish touching up herself. Anna stood by the door taking the room in. There was the lone chair, the tiled floor and the table that leaned against the wall like a drunk. The bed deserved some mention too, especially as it was covered with a neat white bed sheet that made Anna long to lie to it. But none of them were as important as the shape of the beautiful girl sitting before the mirror.

“What do you think about the Gregs?” Susan asked.

The both of them had watched the men the last time they were at the club.

The Gregs were brothers, tattooed, huge, imposing, and with biceps Susan could not wait to touch.

If there was anyone that could handle her the way she wanted, to make her forget what kind of family she was coming from, it was definitely one of the Gregs. She had had quite a couple of men in the past and had been rough-handled by many just the way she wanted, but she knew it was going to be different with the Gregs.

“Checked them out. They would have us killed, baby girl.”

Anna blinked rapidly when she talked, drawing attention to her soft, green eyes. She and Susan could pass for twins, but their resemblance stopped only at their body type. Their faces were different. Anna had an oval shaped face, as long as it was beautiful, while Susan’s face was shaped like a heart. Perhaps the only resemblance they shared facially were their long, slender noses.

“I look forward to that.”

“Hey, are you okay?”

“I am good.”

“You know we can always reschedule with them if you don’t feel right about it now.”

“I’m not giving today away,” Susan answered quickly.

Anna chuckled.

“You know it is kind of hard to think that you save lives during the day while you die at night getting speared.”

“It is the sacrifice, babe.”

“And you do it so well,” Anna said as her eyes went over Susan’s body.

Susan was putting on a tight, black, short gown, which accentuated her shape and stopped midway on her thighs. Sitting down made the gown roll up almost all the way to her hips.

Susan caught Anna’s eyes on her body from the mirror and smiled. They did this wild thing together, like an orgy, threesome or foursome, anything. But Anna made sure they always did it with men who loved seeing other people fucking beside them. She said it was for precaution. Susan felt it was for something else. She did not care.

“Come on, we have to start going. The boys would be hungry by now,” Anna said.

Susan locked her door and followed her down the stairs towards her car.

“You know you should have never left,” Anna said, referring to Susan leaving her house.

“You needed the space, Anna.”

“I never told you that.”

“I read people way ahead of time.”

“You read wrong,” Anna replied.

She stopped before her car, a Tesla, and stared into Susan’s eyes. For a moment, a wayward current crawled through the latter’s body before Anna walked around to the other side of the car.

“The door is open,” she said.

Susan pulled the door open and slip into the seat. Anna’s look had registered in her mind, sliding right in with the memory she had made with the doctor in the hospital today.

“I fucked the head doctor today,” she blurted out.

She had no idea why she said that, but she just said it and turned to see Anna’s reaction.

Anna blanched, but was smiling in no time. Susan was not sure about what she had seen. Maybe she had seen nothing.

“At the hospital?” Anna asked.


“Well, fuck me. Did you like it?”

Susan had not been expecting the question, and it threw her off completely. She looked away as Anna pulled the car into the traffic.

Chapter Three

The party was boring, unlike other times, and Susan barely paid attention to Greg Morrison. He was the bigger of the two Gregs and had instantly taken a liking to Susan immediately he saw her. At the other table Anna and the other Greg were already hitting it up.

“Would you rather we found somewhere quiet?” Morrison asked.

“I’m sorry?” Susan pleaded, turning to the Greg.

He had a rugged face, that of a complete beast, and Susan immediately envisioned what she would like to do with his body.

“Should we go somewhere quiet?”

“Where do you suggest?”

“My house,” he said.

Susan smiled. She knew he would say that.

“My friend is coming with us.”

“Of course. She is with my brother. Hey, Chris!”


The room took Susan back to the times she spent in her father’s rich penthouse. There was a chandelier hanging above the ceiling. And although the place was only a bedroom, there were two sofas and a wine bar by the side. Susan settled down on the sofa, her eyes traveling to Anna and Chris. They were already making out.

“What would you like to drink?” Morrison asked her.

She noticed for the first time that Morrison had full beard covering his jaw. He also had a scar that ran down the side of his face, from the brow to the mouth. Her mind began to swim in fantasies. The guy seemed surprisingly gentle. She had been with animals who would not bother asking what she wanted to drink before ripping the clothes off her.

“You couldn’t guess,” she said, getting into the wild girl mode. It was her escape from a world hell-bent on swallowing her.

“You could try me,” he said.

“Your time will come,” she said. “I would like a vodka though. Chilled.”

He nodded, smiling. His face was the image of a predator baiting his prey.

When he brought back the drink, both of her legs were already up on the sofa. She poured some of the drink in a glass for herself and took a sip.

“Sit,” she said.

Anna and Chris were still making out, completely caught up in each other to see anyone else.

Susan raised her legs, allowing Morrison space to sit beside her. The both of them looked like complete opposites. Susan had the innocent beauty of ladies, that beauty that was often confused with innocence, and which led to the downfall of many men. Morrison looked like he was carved out of a rock. He sat there, running his rough hands over Susan’s slender legs. The both of them knew how this night was going to end. Already, Chris and Anna were acting out their parts.

“Make me forget today,” Susan said, looking into Morrison’s eyes.

The scene was enough to raise a bump in any man’s trousers; the very best of innocent femininity staring undauntedly at the male hardness that was Morrison.

It began with a kiss, and just like Anna, Susan found herself moaning. The feel of Morrison’s hands on her thighs brought goose bumps to her body. She shivered lightly and moaned a little. Before she knew what was happening, the man had lifted her from the sofa. He carried her, his hands around her legs. He was strong and carried her effortlessly. She could feel the strength of his body, leaning close to him.

He laid her down on the sofa and smiled at her.

“I will be back,” he said. “There is something you will like.”

He walked towards the bar. When he came back, it was with handcuffs. She wanted it, but when she saw the look on his face, she panicked. There was no time for her to resist however, as he turned her around and pinned her to the sofa, pulling both hands back. She wanted to scream, and at the same time, she wanted to see where this would lead.

The only thing she could do was moan loudly as the handcuffs came over her hands.

The cuffs clicked and Susan knew there was no going back. She had not realized that Morrison had handcuffs lying around the bar just for moments like this. She turned to the side and saw Anna. She was on the bed now, tied to the bed posts and spread out. Chris was licking her body in a tantalizing way. It turned Susan on the more. Almost immediately, the fold came over her eyes. The only thing she could hear now was Anna’s moans and Chris’s groans.

She heard her clothes ripping apart and protested, but it was no use. The tight black gown was already off her body. Once again, it showed the type of strength that was in Morrison’s hands. Even if she wanted to keep protesting, her hands were tied to her back. She felt his hand under her, very close to her warmth and shivered again.

“You like that?” Morrison asked.

His voice had changed from the controlled, soft texture to something deeper, more passion-laced and husky.

“Fuck me,” she pretended.
It was supposed to make her forget about the day, about her worries, about her parents, and Jeremy.

He slipped in a finger and she pulled away instinctively before she moved back, grinding against the finger. He did not give her time to get used to his finger before he pulled it out. She was kneeling on the sofa, her body against the backrest and her hips lifted. When he slipped his finger into her warmth again, her face went down and her hips went up and back against his finger. She could feel his finger inside her, thrusting. She trembled more again as his finger slipped out of her without warning.

His hand went to her hair and he dragged her by it, pulling her head back. His finger slipped into her mouth. Then he held her neck tight. She felt his bulging biceps around her neck, and at the same time felt his finger thrusting in her mouth. Wetted by her mouth, the finger slipped out of it and found its way into her warmth again. It made her want more of Morrison.

She wanted everything that he could offer her, but she was not in the position to make that demand.

She had handed herself over to be used the way he wanted when she let him pull the cuffs and blindfold on her. The finger moved fast, thrusting again and again till she was maddened by the energy of the thrust. The man was certainly going to kill her. Then Morrison pulled away from her.

He was playing with her. She could only guess where he was as she could no longer see him. She heard the sound of clothes being shed and licked her lips in anticipation. There was silence during which she heard Anna screaming. Chris must really be fulfilling his own end of the bargain.

She felt the tip of something around her warmth, but before she could feel the fullness, it disappeared, moving out of her reach. In her state of visionlessness, she felt a whimper escape from her lips. Morrison was torturing her with suspense and desire. She wondered how long he would take before he would let her feel the whole of him.

It felt like a spear, surging through her body. Its entrance was accompanied by pain and pleasure. Susan had no time to shout or moan before Morrison began the pounding. He was moving fast immediately he entered as if he wanted to catch her by surprise. If that was his goal, the breath that got caught around her chest was enough evidence that he did. When she was finally able to breathe again, it came with the trembling of her legs, spasms ripping through her stomach.

It was hard to believe but she had already come just by one penetration.

Morrison continued as if he had not noticed anything. She realized he was not going to spare her this night. His cock felt like it was going to keep expanding inside of her till it would burst. She could feel the fullness as he thrust into her. Her moans returned with her breath, filling the room. With each thrust, Morrison would spank her ass. It was painful and sweet. It was difficult to understand everything that she felt.

She felt her head being yanked back and realized Morrison had her hair in his hand. Again, it was painful, but the pleasure she felt in the cock pushing in and out of her rendered her invincible to pain. The moans blocked her screams. From grabbing her hair, Morrison’s left bicep came around her neck, cutting off her breath as he continued ramming into her from the back.

In the moment, thoughts of her parents was nothing but smoke in her mind, and it quickly dispelled as she felt another tremor building up in her body.

She shivered violently. Behind her, Morrison continued. It was going to be a long night.

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