Steamy Historical Romance is, in our opinion, not only a special genre but captivating as hell.
Steamy Historical Romance is all about the idea of chivalry, that men treat women like royalty.
Chivalry, or at least how we’ve always been accustomed to it, isn’t necessarily dead but we don’t expect to see it and deem it ‘old-fashioned’ in today’s modern much more feministic society. And that’s also why we somehow enjoy to dive back into the «good old times » in which the stellar hero is always the perfect gentleman and treats our beloved heroine as his Queen, no matter what happens.
So it is a real honor and joy that I had the opportunity to talk to National Reader’s Choice Winner Tracy Sumner.
Tracy does not write pure Steamy Historical Romance Books, but her stories are so high-heat, steamy romantic that it is fantastic to let the more erotic parts develop in your own imagination.
What did motivate you to become an author? I started writing in high school, after reading THE OUTSIDERS. YA stuff then. Romance later. And I just always wanted to write. But it’s hard, even if you’re compelled.
What was the most difficult part of becoming an author? What do you think in what stage of the process of an author are you right now? What keeps you motivated to push forward each day as an author? The most difficult is putting butt in chair and writing. 😊 And handling rejection is tough. It took me years to learn to persevere. I think I’m in the middling stage. I’ve been around a while, but with the speed of self-publishing, I’m still learning something new every day.
My readers honestly keep me motivated to write. AND the characters knocking around inside my head.
Which book did fascinate you the most or do you have a favorite other author? What makes this book / author special to you and your story as a person and as an author?
I used to read an author, Judith Ivory, and I just loved her. I met her years ago at an RWA conference – and she was terrific. Her writing SO smart and cerebral. The details, just fantastic. Sensual and so engaging. I guess of hers I’d have to say BLACK SILK my favorite. Other writers I like? Tessa Dare, Christi Caldwell, etc., etc.
What do you want to achieve for yourself as an author?
I want to find readers who like my style, a group who is waiting for my next book. I’d like to develop my Regency novels and also stick my toe in contemporaries. I actually have a series out with my agent, so someday, this may happen. They’re small-town, steamy, southern.
You write Steamy Historical Romance Novels. Can you explain why and what is your fascination about the combination of Historical storylines mixed with Steam? Do you have a special background (story) which attracts you to Steamy Historical Novels?
I like reading hot, so I write hot. I can’t see characters feeling like they do in the books and not showing how they express it. But some readers prefer sweet – and that is fantastic, too!
What do you want to give to your readers with your books?
I want them to feel like I do when I read a good romance. I love the genre and am a huge reader. I want readers to love the characters. That’s my main goal. And love the story.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Are your characters solely based on your imagination or do you let inspire yourself by real people or stories? How do you gather your information about the Historical Era you’re writing in?
I’m inspired by other romance novels, movies, great characterization. For example, my latest, THE DUKE IS WICKED, was based loosely on Sherlock – Benedict Cumberbatch. Nothing a reader will notice, perhaps, but just his curly hair and his wit. Although The Duke of Ashcroft is much more personable than Sherlock! Gotta say. I don’t mix much in from real life. These characters are largely in my imagination.
For the historical era, I read blogs and go deep into the research, especially if I’ve given the hero or heroine a special skill or profession. In TEMPTING THE SCOUNDREL, the hero is watchmaker – and I did a lot of research into timepieces from that era.
What makes a Romance story a STEAMY Romance in your eyes? How shall, in your opinion, the sex parts be written and how important are they for a good Steamy Romance story for you?
I like writing love scenes. I have always been comfortable writing them. I try to imagine what a woman would want from her hero and what a reader would want. Thoughtful, attentive, masculine. Idk. 😊 And I enjoy reading steamy romance. Totally.
Are your books normally standalone reads or do you prefer to write series?
Readers, myself included, love series. So I write them. But all my books are standalones. You can read #2 first without missing anything.
Which of your books would you rate the most steamy one? Of which are you most proud of and why?
Probably Tides of Passion, which won the National Reader’s Choice, so I guess readers were okay with the steam! I love this book. My personal favorite is Tides of Love, featuring the middle Garrett Brother. It’s just a very personal book for me. I’m a native Southerner, and the stories are set in turn-of-the-century NC (Outer Banks). I did a ton of research and I just love the books.
If a reader, who loves to read Steamy Historical Romance and does not know you and your books yet: Which one of your books would you suggest to read first? Why?
Depends. The League of Lords series is Victorian romance all the way, but does have a paranormal slant (psychics). For more traditional Regency, I’d go with Chasing the Duke, a new holiday Regency release. Or for steamy Americana, I’d go with the Garrett Brothers series. 😉
Talk about your upcoming projects, what are you working on? Are there additional books in the works?
I’m working on the fourth book in the League of Lords series. Still percolating about the title. He’s gorgeous, intelligent, sensitive (but alpha when he needs to be) and a he sees deceased people. 😉 Yes, really. Of course he falls for someone who travels from the Regency era to his Victorian times. I love him already!
And I have a new REGENCY series with Wolf Publishing coming out in 2021! Think Bridgerton!
I would like to thank Tracy for these great insights. If you want to get in touch or learn more about her, just have a look at her homepage or follow her on:
Facebook: tracysumnerauthor
Twitter: @sumnertrac

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