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Interview with Steamy Romance Author Lucia Jordan


Updated: Feb 14, 2024

We are honoured to present you in this interview Steamy Romance Author Lucia Jordan.

We're really proud that she gave us the opportunity to talk to her, as she is one of our favorite writers: more than one of her books made it in our Top Lists in different genres.

Inspiration comes from anything that amuses me or leaves a lasting impression.

- Lucia Jordan -

So take do a deep dive and learn more about the person Lucia Jordan, her work, her passion and what she is currently up to.

Cover of The Proposition which is a short Erotic Book by Erotic Romance author Lucia Jordan



What motivated you to become an author?

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with books.

There’s something about being able to escape into the pages and live a life that isn't mine - sometimes even for just an hour - in which nothing is impossible.

After reading enough books by other authors, it finally clicked that maybe this was what they felt like when they wrote them too.

It made me start to think of how different things could be; how nothing was set in stone until you let it happen yourself.

And this realization became my inspiration when everything began to click and come together-when out of nowhere these stories came pouring out of me onto the paper before me.

What was the most difficult part of becoming an author? What do you think in what stage of the process of an author are you right now? What keeps you motivated to push forward each day as an author?

Going from ideas to putting them on paper wasn't easy at first - mostly because I had no idea where to start. It was trial and error in the beginning, but eventually everything worked out. In the end, I decided to just go for it. When people read my book, I hope they can see how much work went into it.

Every time someone reads one of my books (or leaves me feedback), or anytime another author complements my work - it's encouraging enough that I want to continue growing in order to write even better stories with higher quality content.

And really, getting letters from readers means a lot to me too; knowing they care about what they're reading enough take time out of their lives to reach out means more than anything else could compare.

Where do you get your inspiration from? Are your characters solely based on your imagination or do you let inspire yourself by real people or stories?

Inspiration comes from anything that amuses me or leaves a lasting impression.

Movies, books - even friends can inspire me when they share stories with me. Of course, just like all other authors out there who are fortunate enough to experience such things firsthand - my own experiences also play an important role in my works.

Nowadays, most of my characters are based off people who I have been with in my past. It’s kind of frightening how much time you spend thinking about things that no one would ever know about if they weren't written down.

Why are you fascinated of the Erotic Romance Genre, why do you write in this genre?

Contrary to common belief, it is immensely satisfying to write Erotic Romance.

Not only does it allow for every dark fantasy or naughty thought you've ever had become reality, but also offers an escape from reality when you're feeling less than great.

I am fortunate enough to create some of the best love stories imaginable - ones that are adored by so many people all around the world!

Your Rock Hard Series made it in our Top List of the best short Erotic Romance Stories: we loved the dynamic characters, the nature of the conflict between them and of course the extremely hot love scenes. So what would you suggest we really should read next from you?

One of the best short erotic romance books by Lucia Jordan called Rock Hard Cover Picture

You'll love Playing with Fire if you want an exciting tale about a fierce, successful female protagonist and the handsome Chief who sets out to stop her.

If you're looking for an enemies-to-lovers romance, then this might be right up your alley!

What do you want to give to your readers with your books?

Most importantly, I want them to be happy.

To go out there and do what they need to do without worry about whatever will happen in the future or anything else for that matter.

To live another person's life just for a little while and take everything in right before we return home where it can start over again.

It truly is great, isn't it?

Which book did fascinate you the most or do you have a favorite other author? What makes this book / author special to you and your story as a person and as an author?

S. Massery is a captivating author who opened my mind to new possibilities when telling a story. She’s not afraid to get controversial and let her imagination run wild, giving us the perfect combination for a dramatic love story. Not to mention, the hot scenes are great.

Tell us about your actual book and upcoming projects.

My comprehensive book list is available on my publisher’s website,

Most of my books can be found on all major online marketplaces. This includes Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, you name it.

Currently I'm working on a few stories that I've wanted to write for a while now; however, I can't seem to decide which one is going to be published first.

All I can say is, they’re all sure to make your temperature go up. 😊



Dear Lucia, we thank you very much for your time! We will for sure follow you closely and are looking forward to read your next stories!

We still got more for you...

If you are looking for more interview with Erotica authors, you really should have a look at our Author Interview section.

Or do you need some reading ideas?

Then check out our Top Lists of all the different genres of Erotic Literature as well as our FREE stories section!


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