We are honoured to present you in this interview USA Today Bestseller Author Jeanne St. James. We personnaly know her for her awesome Dirty Angels and Blood Fury Series. Both series are in the MC (Motorcycle Club) Romance genre and therefore contain hot alpha males and very very strong ladies.
Honestly: we were surprised to find out what all different sorts of books Jeanne had already written and published! From more light Erotic Romance to M/M (Gay) Erotic Sports Romance - Jeanne has it all!
And she even came up with a bigger surprise!
You find that in the interview, we give you only a small hint: look for J. J. Masters....
And that's still not everything! Jeanne was so kind to provide an excerpt of Double Dare!

What motivated you to become an author?
I started writing when I was about 13 because I wanted to escape reality and build a world I wanted to live in, even if it was fictional.
What was the most difficult part of becoming an author?
It’s a business and you have to treat it as such. That means you need a schedule and you need to stick with it. Telling a story is the easy part; all the administrative stuff that goes along with publishing is not. Also, after writing over 50 books, its work to come up with fresh storylines.
What do you think: in what stage of the process of an author are you right now?
I’m in my groove as an author. Like I said above, I began writing at around 13 and over the years honed my craft before ever submitting to a publisher. I finally did in 2008, the manuscript was accepted and finally published in 2009 (that’s my book that’s been retitled as Damaged). It was like starting all over again when I went indie in 2016 and I had to learn a lot of new things, but I’m now back in a groove.
What do you want to give to your readers with your books?
I want them to “live” in my characters’ world. By reading my books, I want them to get sucked into the journey and consider my characters as friends and/or family. I want them to miss my characters when they finish a book or series.
You made it on several bestseller lists including the USA Today. First of all: Congratulations! How did it feel when you realized that you made it on there?
It’s always exciting to see your book on a bestseller list. For me, it never gets old and I hope it never does. Seeing your book/name on one of those lists helps fight the “imposter” syndrome (where an author doesn’t think they’re good enough) and it also motivates me.
What keeps you motivated to push forward each day as an author? Did it change once you had the success many authors are dreaming of?
I set goals. I set one as an author in general, then at least one for that particular year, plus I have one large personal goal I want to make. I use those goals to motivate me to stay on track. I create new goals once achieve the previous one. I try to level up each time. It’s me saying to myself, “If I can do this, why can’t I do this next?” Then I visualize that goal and go for it. You can’t make it if you don’t even try. Even if you fail you will learn something from it and you can try again.
What would you say were the most important puzzle pieces to reach the success you have as an author?
Paying attention. As I learned indie publishing, I paid attention to more successful authors and learned what worked and what didn’t. But the MOST important piece to my success (besides writing books people want to read) is my readers. Without them, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. I take the time to interact with my readers as much as possible so they know how much I appreciate them.
Do you have favorite authors or books which deeply inspired you as a person and as an author?
Some of the authors I read from the ‘80s and early ‘90s inspired me the most. Authors like Katherine Sutcliffe and Laura Kinsale. They inspired me to keep honing my craft and go emotionally deeper with my characters.
Let’s talk about two of your highly successful romance book series: Dirty Angels MC and Blood Fury MC. Could you tell us what they are about and who should read it?
They are both MC (motorcycle club) romances that feature alpha men and their very strong ladies. I like to write character who could be a “real” person with real problems (internal or external). These series also are more action/adventure with loads of subplots and unexpected twists. While each book ends up with an HEA for the main couple, there are story arcs that span the series.
Both the Dirty Angels and Blood Fury series are Motorcycle Club or MC Romance series. What is the fascinating thing about MC Romance for you as author? What does a good MC Romance need to have in your opinion?
I might have a hard time answering this because I don’t read other MC romances on purpose. I don’t want another author influencing my writing in any way when it comes to MC (even subconsciously). I had done my own thorough research (including interviewing a member of a Pagan support club).
In my opinion, a good MC romance should have strong characters, a brotherhood/family bond and the men should be protective of their women and children. Of course it should have an HEA, since it IS romance. One thing I would caution anyone thinking about writing MC romance: don’t read other MC romances to do your research when it comes to motorcycle clubs, do your own. And also, it’s important to know, in real life, not all MCs are the same. They have different rules and by-laws.
Another series of yours is Brothers in Blue, a more “light” and “fun” Erotic Romance series about three cops and brothers, Max, Marc and Matt, who meet women who are gonna change their lives. Could you give us some more information about this series?
That series is now intertwined with my other series, Guts & Glory - a Dirty Angels spin-off involving former special ops guys - and also my Blood Fury MC series.
When I started publishing I had no idea I would eventually start writing MC, so my go-to for alpha males was law enforcement (like the FBI agent in Damaged, the cops in Brothers in Blue, etc.) Those are the men who attracted me, and surrounded me, in real life. So that was who I wrote about. They are definitely different from my MC series. As they should be. I try to tell a unique story with every book I write.
For example: Marc’s book is more rom-com and Matt’s is a little darker because he’s dealing with debilitating PTSD. I should note, no matter how dark one of my books might go, there is always humor sprinkled throughout. There always needs to be light, even in the darkest of moments.
Finally, we would like to learn more about the Rip Cord Trilogy which is a M/M sports romance story…
The Rip Cord trilogy is broken down into 3 parts. I wrote the first part as more Erotica. It was my first MM story and it was published in 2009. When I got my rights back from the publisher for that novella, I decided I wanted to expand upon their story and finally give them an HEA. So, that’s what I did. When I went indie, I combined all 3 parts so a reader could read their whole journey in one book. BTW, Rip is a NFL player and Gil is a geek. So in their case, opposites attract.
You are a very versatile author, writing Motorcycle Club Romance, more fun romance like Brother in Blue but also gay stories like the Rip Cord Trilogy. How do you do that? Where do you get your inspirations from? Does it differ depending on the genre you’re writing in?
I also write MMF menage. The Dare Menage series is six books that are interracial MMF.
I have a series, The Obsessed Series, which is written in first person (the only series I have in first person) that are 5 standalone novellas and include BDSM. Writing a variety of tropes/genres keeps my brain and stories fresh.
Most readers are surprised when they find out I also have an MM mpreg shifter romance series (5 books), The Royal Alphas, that are about selkie shifters who are royalty. I wrote those under the pen name J.J. Masters. I wish I had time to write more of those. It was the first time I wrote paranormal and I loved the world-building involved.
Where do my inspirations come from? *shrugs* My crazy, active mind, I guess. I just get a seed of an idea and build from there. That’s how I wrote my first MC book, Down & Dirty: Zak. I was lying in bed reading one night and the opening scene of Zak’s book came to me. I scribbled it down, told myself there’s no way I can write MC romance and put it aside for a while. I’m so glad I picked that idea back up. I haven’t looked back ever since.
Where and in which forms are your books available?
My books are available in ebook, paperback and audiobook. A majority are in Kindle Unlimited and are Amazon exclusive; some are “wide” and available at all major retailers. To find them, it’s best to go to my website: www.jeannestjames.com
Can you tell us about the projects you’re actually working on?
I’m continuing to work on the Blood Fury MC series. It’s a 12 book series and right now, I’m writing book #9 (Blood & Bones: Ozzy). I’ll be doing more crossover books between the Dirty Angels, Blood Fury and Dark Knights MCs in the future. Plus I have another M/M book I plan to start writing as soon as I’m done with Ozzy’s book, it’s title is Everything About You. Once I’m done with the 12 books in the Blood Fury MC, I have another 6-book menage series (MMF) on the schedule next. It’ll be more on the erotic romance side than action/adventure and will probably include BDSM.
Where can we follow you that we do not miss any exciting news?
Sign up for my newsletter: https://jeannestjames.eo.page
follow me here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeannestjames/
Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/38o5oHr
FB Readers’ Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JeannesReviewCrew/
We want to thank Jeanne from the bottom of hear for this very inspiring interview.
And probably all of us have now found some hot and sexy reading ideas!
Have a look below!
And hey: Do not forget to check out the excerpt of Double Dare below!!!
Double Dare (The Dare Menage Series, Book 1) - Check it out here!
Brothers in Blue: Max (Brothers in Blue, Book 1) - Check it out here!
Down & Dirty: Zak (Dirty Angels MC, Book 1) - Check it out here!
Guts & Glory: Mercy (In the Shadows Security, Book 1) - Check it out here!
Blood & Bones: Trip (Blood Fury MC, Book 1) - Check it out here!
Double Dare Dance - Excerpt
When Logan glanced up again, he saw a pink vision stalking toward him, and he sat up straighter. Shit, the cause of his earlier hard-on was coming his way.
She looked determined, and she still had a grip around her glass like it was a lifeline.
She stopped directly in front of him and put one hand on her hip.
“Are you Logan Reed?”
Oh shit. “Yes?”
“You don't know for sure?”
“Oh, I'm sure.”
“Are you fucking anybody right now?”
“Right this minute?” He glanced around to see if anyone else was hearing this surreal conversation. Luckily no one was paying attention.
“No. Do you have anyone who is going to get mad if I ask you to dance?”
“Uh. No.” Well, hell, that was a unique way of asking someone to dance.
She placed her drink on the table, and he asked, “Is that still your second one?”
“No, third.”
“I was afraid of that.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled, but he was too heavy for her to lift, so he unfolded himself from the chair to accommodate her.
“Are you asking me to dance?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“Not at all.” He interlaced his fingers with hers and led her to a corner of the dance floor. Luckily for him, the DJ had turned the lights down and was playing a series of slow tunes. Ones he could dance to. There was no way he was doing the chicken dance or line dancing. He had his limits.
As the slow, wailing tune blared through the large speakers, Logan slid his palms around her waist, his splayed fingers coming to rest at the small of her back. The fabric of her dress felt terrible, and he didn't know why women wore shit like that and suffered. The dress certainly wasn't flattering.
But it wasn't the outer package that mattered to Logan; it was the prize he found inside when it was unwrapped.
He stepped in a little closer and pulled her hips against his. He swore he heard a little gasp. He smiled into her overstyled, dark blonde hair and nuzzled it. Underneath all the hairspray, he caught a scent of wildflowers. It smelled nice.
“What's your name?” he murmured into her hair.
“What?” She turned her head a bit, and she ended up nuzzling his neck. Her lips, the shape of which reminded him of an archer's bow, were warm and soft, and he could detect the fruity scent of the slammers on her breath.
She was average height for a woman, which made her a bit shorter than him, so he had to lean down a bit to place his lips against her ear.
“What's your name?”
He felt the shiver of her body against him, so he traced the delicate shell of her ear with the tip of his tongue. The touch was light enough, but she unmistakably felt it. In response, she arched her back slightly, pressing her hips harder into his.
“Quinn,” she finally answered him, her voice breathless.
“Quinn,” he repeated while moving one hand up her back to the bare skin rising out of her dress. He drew the pad of his thumb along the smooth expanse of flesh, along her exposed spine, moving up to her neck to cradle it in his palm. His thumb continued to stroke her skin along the vein in her neck.
He pulled away a little and looked down into her face. Her eyes were heavy, and her lips were parted. Her breaths were short and quick.
He struggled to keep from thrusting against her. If she looked this good in that god-awful dress, he wondered what she looked like in normal clothes. Or no clothes at all.
Or just a pair of handcuffs.
His balls tightened, and he released a long breath out of his nose to steady his pulse.
“Quinn, do you like sex?” He placed his cheek against hers, and they swayed to the music, their hips, their thighs brushing against each other.
Her eyelids fluttered a bit before she answered, “Sometimes.”
“Why only sometimes?” he whispered against her ear.
She shrugged slightly, and one of her off-the-shoulder sleeves slid down a bit, exposing more creamy flesh.
Logan brushed his lips along her collarbone. It was delicate and covered with smooth skin. When he got to her shoulder, he worked his way back, and in the hollow of her neck, he placed a kiss.
There was a groan. He didn't know whom it came from. Her? Him? He didn't care. His hand at the small of her back slipped lower, to just where the rise of her ass was. The fabric of the dress kept him from feeling details, but his imagination took over.
One song transitioned into another, and they weren't even aware of the other couples dancing nearby.
His hips kept a steady side-to-side rhythm, while his hand on her back kept her close and in perfect time with him.
He was hard. There was no doubt she could feel it. Even with the yards of fabric around her midsection, her belly brushed against his length, teasing his cock.
“What kind of sex do you like?” His voice sounded low and gruff to his own ears.
“The kind when I get to come.”
Logan chuckled against her temple and slipped the hand he had around her neck to her shoulder. His fingers brushed her skin lightly. He couldn't help but notice goose bumps suddenly appearing everywhere he touched her. Which meant her nipples were probably hard and aching for his fingers and mouth.
Her dress had slipped down a bit, and the neckline rode low on her chest. The fabric rested just on the crest of her breasts; he could see she wasn't wearing a bra. In fact, he thought he could see the crescent edge of one nipple, even in the dim light.
He wanted to dip his tongue between her breasts.
“Why did you ask me to dance?”
“Because my friends…” Her soft voice faded off.
“Your friends?” He prodded.
“My friends dared me to. They think I am such a loser when it comes to men.”
“I always pick Mr. Wrong.”
“Am I supposed to be Mr. Right?” He brushed the backs of his knuckles over the rise of her breasts.
“No. Just Mr. Right Now.”
She was direct. He wondered if it was just the alcohol talking. “So you just want to use me.”
Her boldness wavered, disappointing him a bit.
He raised his eyebrows. “Huh. And you don't think I'd care?” He leaned back a bit and looked down at her, her skin a canvas for the colorful light bouncing off the mirrored disco ball above the dance floor.
She wouldn't meet his gaze. “Do you?”
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